Another innovation has been launched in our hospital. A mother-baby school has been established where mothers and their babies can practice together, and interactive education methods such as applied, individual or preferably group education have been included in the entire postnatal process. The aim of the mother and baby school is to increase the postpartum adaptation of mothers and their satisfaction with the process. It has been determined that the satisfaction of our mothers who received education from our school is very high and the adaptation rates of the mothers after birth increase.
We provide holistic support to mothers, fathers and babies in the 2nd, 4th and 6th weeks of the postpartum period.
Week 2 (Mother and baby) - Baby care and checks, breast milk and breastfeeding education.
Week 4: (Mother) - Maternal nutrition, postnatal care and hygiene of the mother, sexual health and family planning education.
Week 6 (Mother-baby-father) - Family harmony and interaction training.
Please contact us to participate and get detailed information.
Tel: 0216 3910680
(Ext: 1092)